Cold Water: Created in 2007, Performed in 2016
I’m 24 years old & driving down Roswell Road when I get the call from my mom . .
Char, It’s Cancer.
We are going to fight this. I’m going to win.
Okay. What are the next steps?
I’m super calm under pressure so there was no emotional breakdown or outburst, just Okay, how do we “fix” this? Input Information here. Proceed Forward. Determine Solution.
The problem with this situation is that there was basically nothing I could do to change this. I had very little hand in the solution & no control of the timeline or outcome. This was my first experience with total loss of control.
When I got home that night, I took a bath & slipped under the water. Not to end my life – but to live in an alternate reality, To be in a place where my mom didn’t have cancer, a place I could control, a place that was warm & safe.
I created Cold Water from that place. This existence that waffles between numb & overwhelmed where the water is in control. The water is healing & confronting & supportive & challenging. The water makes me expose my feelings about my lack of control after it swirls around me, catches me in its wake, & pushes me back out.
The water doesn’t have any judgement. It doesn’t label my experience one way or another. It just is. And after I confront my feelings, the water ebbs & flows over me with calm, consistency.
I am grateful to say that my mom did win. She’s been cancer free for the past 13 years.
Enjoy Watching!
PS This is the premiere of Cold Water where I performed the solo. As the company grew, it became harder for me to perform in my own shows. (The last time I performed with them was 2013). So enjoy this flashback treat!